Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How I dispose the adipose...

Dear God,

It took me a while to accept that I was obese (Type 1) on the BMI. Lots of literature, crash diets and extensive cycling sessions later, I realized none of it was really doing any good.

Top that with opinions from all quarters. After all they come free. So, a "Why don't you try Atkins?"or "You should have the Kelloggs breakfast" etc was routine.

By serendipity (well, almost), I discovered the one component of my diet that was causing the most harm - Rice. I had to get rid of it. Tough decision, especially given that it is a South Indian staple.

Strangely, it wasn't as difficult. I woke up one morning about six months ago and asked for all rice-based foods to be excluded from the diet. That done, I now had to focus on a strict regimen. A few things that really work for me - Eat a solid breakfast and eat it like you'd not have another meal for the rest of the day. So, my breakfast is laid out on a royal platter. About 10 rotis, a bowl of mashed potato, leafy vegetables' curry (or any other without oil), tomato or lemon juice (salted only) summed up the first meal of the day.

The other principle that works wonders is to have multiple meals in a day, ensures that you never go hungry. I carry green salad to supplement a healthy "between-meals" meal. I eat almost 6 times a day after that heavy breakfast.

I'd strongly recommend that those initiated into weight control should promptly identify and accept the following:
1. Obesity/overweight and
2. Contain eating habits before embarking on physical training

Trust me, half the battle is already won.

Now on the exercising bit - start off with walking (brisk 45m - 60m). The trick here is not the time. I figured a slight modification to the traditional formula T = D/S as under:
C = D/S
where C - calories burned
D - distance covered (by a stretch)
S - speed

So the faster I walk, greater is the distance covered in less time. That is the key. So you could cover 4 kms in 45m or 6+ kms in the same time. You know what to pick.

Over a period of time, I graduated to short spurts of jogging. Today, I jog for 8 kms with very short walks interspersed.

I also kept the cycling alive - Rain, cold or shine. I cycle to office everyday. That, while cutting the following out:
1. Elevator/lift
2. Alcohol
3. Rice
4. Non-vegetarian food
5. Junk food
6. Aerated drinks
7. Chocolate and all confections thereof

Once in a rare while, I do spoil myself though, I admit.

1. Set a realistic target - "I will lose _kgs a month to achieve _ by the month of _".
2. Celebrate - "I will treat myself to a Beef steak and Beer if target is achieved."
3. Stay committed. You want good news, make it!

I am not saying what I clock today. I have never believed in results. The efforts should show. I have a long way to go, but the efforts have begun to show and I already feel good.
More later...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Coming back to life

Dear God,

This time it is not lethargy, not lack of content or thoughts. I have just not been able to get anything up here.

Quite a few folks have been inquiring, some sounding worried about the long overdue precis.

Anyway, so I am going to make an honest attempt to resurrect this space and keep it resplendent.

In recent times, I realized that my handwriting (that I was so good at, years ago) had deteriorated to despicable levels. Perfect! the timing couldn't have been better, I thought. I could pen my thoughts on paper and then convert them to this space.

I hope that revives my strokes while keeping this space engaged.

So help me God.