Allow me to introduce myself as the Burger. Briefly, I am a fillet engulfed by two spongy, albeit overbearing buns. That I am customized to suit the palettes of herbivores and carnivores is not part of the agenda.
Today I am annoyed and you will know why during this sojourn.
From time immemorial, I have been subjected to corruption in every walk of life, so much so that attempts to effect simple changes often raised quite a few eyebrows – “Live with it”!!
Along came a quartet claiming to be the conscience keepers of this great Nation. The Head Honcho threatened to fast at the drop of a hat. The resultant feed was an overdose of running jokes on the net. Sample this:
Amma: Go out and play
HH: No I will fast
Teacher: Kneel down
HH: No I will fast
Doctor: Breathe in and breathe out
HH: No I will fast
So you see, he slipped into ‘fasts’ for this and for that. Though not as inconsistent as M. Night Shyamalan’s produce, the only variation to his blackmailing was a recent “Maun vrat”. For a while, his methodologies prompted the quasi-sympathizers and pseudo-intellectuals to debate and provide entertainment on national television. I am not dwelling into the buffoonery contributed to this by the remnant members of that quartet. I was confused at this state – to support the methodology or not. Of course, I completely believed that the disease had to be eradicated but the methodology did not seem to (rightly put by a fellow blogger) do too much about the symptoms.
Nonetheless, the Government budged, not because it wanted to sanction his demands but because it feels pathetic to let a frail septuagenarian and his minions openly proclaim that the Govt. can’t cut the mustard. Of course, the Govt. did not let him have it easy. It employed jokers to comment on the quartet’s integrity from time to time. In due course, allegations were leveled against every member of the quartet. From commenting on plebiscites, first class free air travel, tax evasions to corruption from ‘head to toe’, the jokers ensured that the job was well done.
The media in the meantime, lapped onto every moment of this charade like an opportunity. Typical of a mad dog let loose, the media hounded the quartet, provoked the Govt., impaneled elite facades and provided comic relief to the nation. In keeping with tradition, inflammable headlines and by-the-second breaking news ensured space for competition.
Where are we today? Accusations and counter-accusations are in full force. With no news on the actual and core agenda item, no good news is in sight. The Quartet promises yet another fast, the Govt. continues to do its best to be counter-productive and the shameless Indian media continues to provide a reason to escape Mom’s pet operas.
I, the Govt’s dear and oft-abused rant, the aam-aadmi am in a pitiable state.
Here’s what I look like today. I am the indifferent Indian!